There are 52 pairs of trains running between Shanghai and Ningbo, including 50 high-speed trains (32 pairs of G trains and 18 pairs of D trains) and 2 pairs of ordinary trains. High-speed trains operate at Shanghai Hongqiao and Ningbo Stations. Ordinary trains operate at Shanghai South and Ningbo Railway Stations.
In addition, on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, four more D-category bullet trains will be added to this route. The second class ticket between Shanghai and Ningbo is cheaper than a ticket on other bullet trains.
- Distance: 213 kilometers (132 miles)
- Number of trains: 50 pairs of bullet trains
- Shortest duration: 1 hour 42 minutes
- Terminals: Shanghai Hongqiao Station, Ningbo Railway Station
Shanghai to Ningbo High-Speed Train Schedules
(Updated on July 30th, 2019)
Train Type | Train Number | Departure | Arrival | Duration |
G-category trains | G7501 | 06:50 | 08:53 | 2 h 3 m |
G7599 | 11:10 | 13:05 | 1 h 55 m | |
G7519 | 15:52 | 17:55 | 2 h 3 m | |
G7561 | 19:16 | 21:09 | 1 h 53 m | |
D-category trains | D3201 | 08:20 | 10:41 | 2 h 21 m |
D3141 | 13:19 | 15:26 | 2 h 7 m | |
D3103 | 15:57 | 18:09 | 2 h 12 m |

The timetable above only lists some of high-speed trains from Shanghai Hongqiao to Ningbo, for your reference. The earliest train departs from Shanghai Hongqiao at 06:00; the latest departs at 20:35. Trains run every 20 minutes. You can use the search box at the top of this page to check up-to-date train schedules.
Ningbo to Shanghai High-Speed Train Schedules
(Updated on July 30th, 2019)
Train Type | Train Number | Departure | Arrival | Duration |
G-category trains | G1866 | 06:25 | 08:44 | 2 h 19 m |
G7512 | 12:28 | 14:37 | 2 h 9 m | |
G7518 | 15:28 | 17:25 | 1 h 57 m | |
G7582 | 18:19 | 20:30 | 2 h 11 m | |
D-category trains | D3102 | 11:49 | 14:14 | 2 h 25 m |
D3126 | 16:21 | 18:42 | 2 h 21 m | |
D3202 | 19:06 | 21:47 | 2 h 41 m |
The timetables above are just for reference. To check the real-time schedule of trains from Ningbo to Shanghai, please click: Ningbo to Shanghai High-Speed Train Schedules.
Shanghai – Ningbo High-Speed Train Ticket Prices
Train Types | Business Class | First Class | Second Class |
G-category train | US$72 (444 CNY) | US$35 (237 CNY) | US$23 (144 CNY) |
D-category train | — | US$28 (176 CNY) | US$18 (110 CNY) |
The ticket price of D-category trains is cheaper than that of G-category trains. D-category trains don’t have business class.
Transportation to Train Stations
Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station (Chinese: 上海虹桥站)

Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station is a modern and airport-like station with convenient transportation. Taking a taxi or the subway is the easiest way to travel.
By subway:
The subway concourse is located on the first floor underground on the west side of Shanghai Hongqiao Station. Shanghai Metro Line 2 to the city center and Pudong International Airport, Line 10 to the city center and Line 17 to Zhujiajiao Ancient Village converge here.
By bus:
1, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 23, 189, 316, 320, 941
By taxi:
The taxi stand is on the first floor underground. From this level, departure or arrival concourses can be reached directly by elevator. Most drivers don’t speak English. It is a good idea to prepare a bilingual note with your destination:
- English: Please send me to Shanghai Hongqiao Station.
- Chinese: 你好,请送我到上海虹桥火车站,谢谢!
Ningbo Railway Station (Chinese: 宁波火车站)
By subway: Ningbo Metro Line 2 and Line 4.
By bus: 22, 26, 38, 345, 371, 380, 541, 753, 789, 852, 871, 965
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